Category Archives: english

The Making Soap… Naturally books now available in the UK and Europe!

From Demetra Publishing’s Web diary at

Good news for European soap addicts and cauldron stirrers!  The Natural Soapmaking Handbook and Cookbook are now available from Demetra’s UK distributor, Richard Phillips of The Soap Kitchen UK.

The Soap Kitchen (2011) - European distributor of the Making Soap… Naturally books

Based in Bideford, Devon, The Soap Kitchen (2011) is a premier supplier of soap and ingredients, “completely dedicated to the crafts of soap making, toiletry making and candle making”.

As per usual in Demetra Publishing’s frugal approach, also the “European” Natural Soapmaking books are locally printed (this time in the UK) on forest friendly paper.

Visit The Soap Kitchen’s online shop for details and book ordering information: Making Soap… Naturally (and other interesting books!)

Look what they do with our books!

I was shocked a few days ago, when I discovered what Jan Ferrante did with the Making Soap… Naturally books. See what she’s done, Patrizia?? She’s earmarked them all!!! Shock horror horror, I thought to myself!! Jan has ruined our books!

Making Soap Naturally books

Then I stopped and thought more… and realised what she did is possibly the biggest, bestest, most appropriate and rewarding compliment she could have given Patrizia and me… So can you forgive me, Jan, for not realising this straight away?

In fact, your earmarks speak volumes. They tell me you have thoroughly enjoyed the books and found some useful information in there. So much so, that you felt the need to earmark the books in order to more easily refer back to it.

It is great to know you’ve found our books useful. Thank you Jan, and may your soap bubbles never burst! 🙂

the Making Soap Naturally books are now available at Jan Ferrante's Skin Care Naturals online store
the Making Soap Naturally books are now available at Jan Ferrante’s Skin Care Naturals online store

Click here to meet Jan Ferrante, who distributes the Making Soap… Naturally books in Canada.

Saponifier’s Design Mania contest 2014

Such a pity my timing is not too good for this year’s Design Mania Contest – although actually, I’m not sure, but it might have been a bit hard for many to try and get in within the very tight schedule!
As for last year (2013), the May-June 2014 Design Mania issue had a number of “soap design” techniques illustrated and explained step-by-step. The contest announced in this issue of Saponifier (July-August 2014) went this way:

  1. Choose one or two techniques and make a batch soap following the instructions in the magazine.
  2. Photograph your soaps and send your photos to Saponifier between 1st July and 9th July 2014.

Photos received before the deadline (which was…. ehrm…. yesterday!) are being published and will be ready to be voted in the next few hours. Keep an eye on this link if you want to vote!
And if you want to enter the contest, this is a very good reason to subscribe for the Saponifier Magazine, and get organised in due time next year 🙂

Inner peace

This was emailed to me by a friend, and I just loved it. Wished I knew who wrote it, to give credit and thanks for such insightful, humorous wisdom 🙂


          If you can start the day without  caffeine,

          If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,

          If you can resist complaining and boring people with your  troubles,

          If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for  it,

          If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give  you any time,

          If you can take criticism and blame without  resentment,

          If you can  conquer tension without medical help,

          If you can relax without alcohol or cigarettes,

          If you can sleep without the aid of  drugs,


… then you are probably…

…The Family  Dog!

          And you thought I was  going to get all spiritual …


          Handle every stressful situation like a bitch. 

          If you can’t eat it or play with  it, turn your back on it and walk away. 


Making soap naturally books: testimonial

Our publisher just forwarded a lovely message from Joanna in Poland… and made our day! Here’s what she wrote:

Dear Ladies, I want to let you know that your books are GREAT. They are my favourite ones and I keep them at hand all time. I have many books about soapmaking (such a hobby to buy them 😉 but yours are the best! Thank you for both : information and inspiration – you made a really great work.

warmest regards from Poland (EU) 🙂

Joanna Sztykiel

Positive feedback like Joanna’s really fuels our commitment to value-added content!

Our books might not have fancy covers or sophisticated artwork, but they distil the essence of our passion for down-to-earth, sustainable practices… and we pour our hearts into them. Writing about soapmaking as a life choice for a better world is not easy. In a world where futility reigns, with noise levels growing exponentially with the spread of so-called social media, voices from the heart (like ours) are hard to hear.

So thank you Joanna for letting us know you heard: we treasure your encouragement!

The Natural Soapmaking Cookbook: now available in the US


Rebecca Midkiff of DIY Cosmetics has now available The Natural Soapmaking Cookbook: 77 star recipes for superior, skin-friendly, eco-friendly handmade soaps for the US & Canada.

As Demetra’s US distributor, Rebecca handles both retail and wholesale orders. She is also offering specials on our soapmaking books: click here for details.

Head for the publisher’s Website for details on this and other titles in the Making Soap… naturally series:

Demetra: frugal publishing for a healthier world