Look what they do with our books!

I was shocked a few days ago, when I discovered what Jan Ferrante did with the Making Soap… Naturally books. See what she’s done, Patrizia?? She’s earmarked them all!!! Shock horror horror, I thought to myself!! Jan has ruined our books!

Making Soap Naturally books

Then I stopped and thought more… and realised what she did is possibly the biggest, bestest, most appropriate and rewarding compliment she could have given Patrizia and me… So can you forgive me, Jan, for not realising this straight away?

In fact, your earmarks speak volumes. They tell me you have thoroughly enjoyed the books and found some useful information in there. So much so, that you felt the need to earmark the books in order to more easily refer back to it.

It is great to know you’ve found our books useful. Thank you Jan, and may your soap bubbles never burst! 🙂

the Making Soap Naturally books are now available at Jan Ferrante's Skin Care Naturals online store
the Making Soap Naturally books are now available at Jan Ferrante’s Skin Care Naturals online store

Click here to meet Jan Ferrante, who distributes the Making Soap… Naturally books in Canada.

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